Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Psalmish Prayer

Divine Creator, Author of my soul,

Please help me to live in you.
Please help me to submit myself to you.
Help me to have the will to live for you and you through me.

Please help me to turn from sin, that which comes between me and you, but help me to find joy and satisfaction in living for you.

Please help me to make you the anchor of my heart and of all my relationships so that all aspects of my life bear the same witness.

Help me to turn from the frivolous distractions and constant seeking of amusement and entertainment so I have space and time and quiet to find the peace of you in every moment.

Am I not good as you made me? Help me to set aside my insecurities as being unnecessary of your beloved child. Show me how to live more fully in you so I may better reflect your greatness and love for us.

Please help me, God Who is the Foundation, to turn with Mark toward you. We both desire this but have let our delight in our quirks and amusements distract us from you.

O my God who gave me life, who gave me everything, how can I begin to express my overwhelming gratitude except by learning to be faithful to your will in every moment.

God, you know my heart and you know my history with intentions.
You know my fear that I will soon forget this and quickly settle back into my normal routine.
Please Great Sustainer, please help me to know and to remember.
Touch my heart and make me new so I do not forget.
Please give me the will to live in you.
I don’t know how to do this without your help.
I turn myself over to you with an earnest heart and open soul; please help me to live in your Divine Will, making you the ruler of my life.

In deepest love and humility,

your child,

Mary Linda

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