Thursday, April 5, 2007

Car-free in Tennessee

Today is our first day, since my surgery, of venturing out of the house without a car. We have our homeschool cooperative classes today and have to be at the Meetinghouse at 10:00 to unlock the door. In order to get there on time, we need to leave the house about 8:00. We'll be walking a mile to the bus stop (I'm allowing 37 minutes for the walk. I usually walk a mile in 20 minutes but I will be walking very slowly because I'm still sore from the surgery), taking the bus downtown, transferring to another bus that will take us to a stop a couple of blocks from the Meetinghouse. We should be there precisely at 10. This plan works contingent on the buses being on time, the stuff I have to carry (supplies for classes, lunches, things that other's have left at classes in weeks past that have to be returned, etc.) not being too heavy and nobody needing to use the bathroom en route. I mean, the plan will work because it has to work but it's a lot more comfortable when everything goes smoothly. I must go finish getting ready.
Update tomorrow!

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