Saturday, March 3, 2007


Unity is on my mind; how we come to intuit that we are all connected in the core of our beings. The spark of life, in my understanding, is the Light of God-the Light within each of us. God is the Oneness and we are all connected in God.
I've been attending Friends Meeting for more than a decade. Up until very recently, I've felt that the once a week Meeting for Worship was my time to 'get right with God' (as Lucinda Williams sings). I would sit in silence praying, expressing thanks, waiting, with my focus on my relationship with God. It was what I needed and where I needed to be to help me center down and, I think, a necessary step in my spiritual maturation.
I have lately begun to understand the corporate aspects of Friends Meeting for Worship; that we come together to pray, worship, express thanks and wait as a body in Christ. It's not just about my personal relationship with God but about our relationship with God. I and thee and thee and thee uniting together to wait on the Spirit (I'm reading Peaceable Kingdom by Jan de Hartog and getting into the Quaker speak!). I don't yet understand the potential for unity in waiting upon Spirit but I know that it will be far greater than me waiting as if alone.
I have been in Meetings for Worship that others have described as 'gathered' or 'covered' Meetings and, although I heard the messages, I didn't feel the sense of immediacy or power that I think others felt; I didn't feel connected to Spirit, I didn't understand being unified. I've always been a 'loner' when it comes to many things. Sometimes it takes me a long time to learn to commit to things greater than myself. I'm thankful that I have gotten to this point with my spiritual journey. I look forward to the next step!

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